4 Tips to Starting Therapy

Okay so first things first…. CONGRATS on starting one of the most nerve wreaking experiences people do which is starting. So now that you are aware you are ready, the next question is how to I get started, what about payment, or how do I find the right therapist? Hang tight as I am going […]
How Kanye West is Proving to the World Mental Health Stigmas are Still Alive

It appears that no matter what we do in life, we can’t escape discussing Kayne West and what recent thing he has said or done. Whether it’s about his wife, political views, or his mental health he keeps everyone talking. Whether you like what Kanye stands for or not, his mental health is indeed important […]
5 Tips: Protect Your Mental Wellness on Social Media

Social media is a great place to keep up with friends and family, see what is going on in Hollywood, buy some cute stuff as well as keep up with current news. While social media has been an amazing hub of information, it can also be a place where your mental wellness is at risk. […]
5 Things to Marinate on from 13 Reasons Why

I finally found some time in my ridiculous schedule to watch the 2nd season of 13 Reasons Why. If you haven’t watched the 1st season and are interested in doing so; don’t continue to read this blog. It is no secret I am a fan of the series, I discussed season 1 on The Epiphany Radio show last […]
How Acrimony Missed the Mark on Mental health and Therapy

Over the weekend, I was finally able to do some self-care and take myself to the movies to see Tyler Perry’s Acrimony. I know many people were concerned about this being another portrayal of an “angry black woman” but I don’t believe it did this at all; it definitely highlighted more of what an mental […]
Why Black People Still Won’t Go to Therapy

On Instagram I was tagged in a post by @webuyblack regarding “Why Black People Seek Mental Health Counseling” and I was surprised by the comments! I thought the Black community was further along in accepting mental health therapy, but it is not. Here are the common reasons Black people said they don’t seek therapy and […]
How to support your friend that happens to be a Therapist

Many people think having a friend that is a therapist is a blessing because they can have someone to confide in and hash out some issues. While it may sound amazing, for therapists it can be overwhelming. Most people see therapists as strong individuals who can help the world, but at the end of the […]
Tips for Healthy Grieving during the Holidays

For many people the Holidays is a constant reminder for loved ones no longer being around and loneliness. Being lonely on the holidays in general can lead to depression and even suicidal ideation. During the holidays, suicidal attempts increase as people often feel they will not be missed if they aren’t around—which isn’t true! I […]
Feeling Blue? Seasonal Affective Disorder

When we approach months such as October, November, and December we think of cold weather, an extra hour of sleep and of course the HOLIDAYS!! What we tend to not think about is our emotions and thoughts. Often we may appear to become more tired, emotional and sometimes increase isolation from others. While it can be blamed […]
How to Survive Mother’s Day Without Your Mother

It’ the time of the year where the malls are full of people once again trying to find the perfect gift last minute; all flower shops are sold out of their big bears and biggest bouquet of flowers, and all restaurants are booked to capacity with reservations. While it may seem, I am talking about […]